Pablo Douzoglou, Beggars Group
💭 El Palmas Music, NYC in the dead of summer, and being committed to your craft.
Thought Enthusiast is an AdHoc Project where we chat with fascinating thought leaders across various facets of music, tech, and culture whose work we admire, simply asking “what’s on your mind?” and “why do you care?” 💭
Pablo Douzoglou is the VP, Head of Marketing at Beggars Group US, a leading independent label group comprising of some of the most respected and established independent labels (4AD, Matador, Rough Trade, XL Recordings, Young). He’s spent the past 16 years building and executing successful creative marketing campaigns, initially at Columbia Records, and in the last ten years as the head of marketing at Beggars Group. When not working on music you can find Pablo eating his way through NYC’s broad dining scene or playing tennis wherever he can find a court. Hungry to learn more, we asked Pablo about what’s on his mind today.
☀️ NYC in the dead of summer
I love how peaceful New York feels in the dead of summer, people spilling onto the streets meeting up and stumbling upon pockets of activity everywhere you go.
[It’s] a small label based out of Barcelona that puts out wonderful music from Venezuela, celebrating my country and discovering things from there that my parents were probably listening to is fun.
🏅 Defining yourself not by what you do but by who you are
I’m currently focused on small victories, allowing yourself to tackle your accomplishments one small bit at a time, not get overwhelmed and overburdened with saying yes to everything and doing too much. Defining yourself not by what you do but by who you are. Our society and culture always default to the question "what do you do for a living", "what are you working on?" and we often draw too many conclusions by the answer. It's amazing how many things you discover from your co-workers, acquaintances, strangers when you dig in a bit deeper.
Championing what happens outside of my career and my work is very important because that's how you connect to real people, and for what you'll be remembered by.
🔒 Being committed to your craft
I've known my friends Nicos Kennedy and Bonnie Baxter of the band Kill Alters (and many other projects) for the past 20 years, and played, performed and was part of the scene with them for a while. I always appreciated how dedicated to their craft they've been. They're committed to their passion and being active participants in the scene. Also they are the kindest people around. That to me is very honorable and important, and it's great to appreciate and celebrate people like that. True artists, great people, I look up to them and everyone else who lives a nice balanced lifestyle.
Run by Sue Chan, Care of Chan is an agency that works within the food/fashion/beverage industry that has a really unique approach to throwing events and experiences for people. I find myself looking at their photos and wanting to be at every single dinner / event party they do.
👨👩👧👦 Current focus
Living in the moment, traveling, enjoying great food, and my kids of course.