Chris Schuett, Little Cinema
💭 Thoughts on being intentional with your time, the Kansas City Chiefs, and having a passion for constant learning.
Thought Enthusiast is an AdHoc Project where we chat with fascinating thought leaders across various facets of music, tech, and culture whose work we admire, simply asking “what’s on your mind?” and “why do you care?” 💭
Chris Schuett is a New York-based multidisciplinary business leader and COO of Little Cinema, where he pioneers interactive online-based content experiences and immersive events for clients like Netflix, Xbox, The Kansas City Chiefs, Prime Video and every other studio and streamer on the planet. He has led teams to receive awards and recognition by the Emmys, Ad Week, Clios, Event Marketer, BizBash, and Webbys…all while being a dad to the coolest little kiddo out there, Judd.
🏟 Kansas City Chiefs
Since I support both Little Cinema and Little Cinema Digital, my work is split and there are interesting and exciting things happening on both fronts. On the LCDigital side we just launched our partnership with the Kansas City Chiefs, which put us into the sports space for the first time, and we could not have asked for a better entry partner than the reigning Super Bowl Champions. Q3 and Q4 has us entering new verticals and expanding our footprint beyond Hollywood, which is huge.
🥁 Smaller & intimate music fests
Personally, I’m loving these smaller genre based music festivals that are popping up. Feels like there is more access than ever to see music that caters to a specific taste vs. larger, broader events. I love me a large, multi weekend festival, but the smaller more intimate and accessible events where you can see every artist has been a lot of fun.
🕉 Being intentional with your time
Being intentional with my time, nothing radical here. With the shift to remote work my days feel doubled in terms of output and workload - so doing what I can to set boundaries and be comfortable with the trade offs and concessions in order to maximize that return. Things can wait, there's rarely a need to do it now. When I remember that things aren't so rushed. Doing things right and without distraction is what I am trying to do daily.
🤘 Attending live shows as a fan
I love attending live events vs. being on the production and operations side of the fence all the time. It's easy to forget the different experiences you get as a fan or an attendee… which is fun! I haven't been to more than 1-2 live shows a year for a few years now, and when that used to be 10x that number, it feels good to get out again and just go to a show.
🪅 Passion for constant learning
Jennifer Whitney (Creative Director, BUCK) and I are good friends, plus former business partners and coworkers. Jenn was the first true CD and Experience Designer I ever got to work closely with whose work - and approach to the work - was inspiring in every way. Her passion for constant learning, observation, and exploration is such a strong part of her creative process, and is also reflected in her personal passions (she's a mean cook and custom piñata maker!). She's taken on roles that challenge her vs. being complacent. Plus she's just an all around fun person with a great attitude, making a project feel exciting no matter the ask - which is really what it's all about.
🌲 Change of pace
Really looking forward to renting a place in upstate NY for a month with my family and trying on a different lifestyle for a while - love Brooklyn but looking forward to a change of pace!
Follow Chris on Instagram & Linkedin and check out his company.